Sunday, December 6, 2009


by Audrea Winbush Lott

Psalm 119:113-117

113 I hate those who are undecided whether or not to obey you; but my choice is clear-I love your law. 114 You are my refuge and my shield, and your promises are my only source of hope. 115 Begone, you evil-minded men! Don't try to stop me from obeying God's commands. 116 Lord, you promised to let me live! Never let it be said that God failed me. 117 Hold me safe above the heads of all my enemies; then I can continue to obey your laws. TLB

We are faced with decisions every single day. Sometimes those decisions may not seem like major ones, but even what seem like insignificant choices can have a major impact on our lives. We have to come to a point in our lives when those who have made the decision not to follow the guidelines and instructions of the Lord are not individuals that we should hold near and dear, thus allowing them to influence us. This includes those who are undecided, those who are straddling the fence, those who are neither hot nor cold for the Lord, and those who are clearly going in the opposite direction of the things of God. They can cause you to lose your zeal and excitement over a period of time and you may look up one day trying to figure out how you got so far away from God.

Remember, God is indeed your refuge and shield. His promises are the only source of hope. It is imperative that we govern our relationships so that they can include only those who are like-minded, who can help us stay strong in the things of the Lord. He has promised us life and victory. Make sure you choose to love God’s Word. Make sure you choose to obey God’s Word. Making the right choices will put you in the position of being shielded and in the refuge of the Lord, safe from the snare of the enemy. Make the right choices today.

Prayer: “Father, I choose to love and obey your Word, following the instructions and guidelines that will enable me to have the life you intended for me. Amen”

The Enlightened Path Weekly Nugget
Week of December 6, 2009

by Audrea Winbush Lott

© 2009 Audrea Winbush Lott

Please feel free to copy or forward this to anyone you feel might benefit from a dose of the Word!