Sunday, July 19, 2009

Someone Is Calling You...Will You Answer?

by Audrea Winbush Lott

Proverbs 1:20-27

20 Wisdom shouts in the streets. She cries out in the public square. 21 She calls out to the crowds along the main street, and to those in front of city hall. 22 "You simpletons!" she cries. "How long will you go on being simpleminded? How long will you mockers relish your mocking? How long will you fools fight the facts? 23 Come here and listen to me! I'll pour out the spirit of wisdom upon you and make you wise.

24 "I called you so often, but you didn't come. I reached out to you, but you paid no attention. 25 You ignored my advice and rejected the correction I offered. 26 So I will laugh when you are in trouble! I will mock you when disaster overtakes you-- 27 when calamity overcomes you like a storm, when you are engulfed by trouble, and when anguish and distress overwhelm you.

28 "I will not answer when they cry for help. Even though they anxiously search for me, they will not find me. 29 For they hated knowledge and chose not to fear the LORD. 30 They rejected my advice and paid no attention when I corrected them. 31 That is why they must eat the bitter fruit of living their own way. They must experience the full terror of the path they have chosen. 32 For they are simpletons who turn away from me--to death. They are fools, and their own complacency will destroy them. 33 But all who listen to me will live in peace and safety, unafraid of harm." NLT

James 1:5

5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. NIV

God loves us so much that He is always trying to impart wisdom into us about every area of our lives. Sometimes the answers are obvious, sometimes they are not. That’s why wisdom is there to help steer us in the right direction. Sometimes we do not embrace the answers because they are not what we really would like to do. We must make it our goal to listen for, take heed to, and act upon the wisdom God has available for us. The passage above paints an illustration of wisdom basically pleading with us to listen to what she has to say. We are not only warned about the results of not listening, but we are warned against becoming complacent. In that same passage we are told that if we do not take heed, there is calamity that awaits us.

I am not sure about you, but I do not want to live my life with regrets of not using wisdom when it is available to me for my benefit. I can ask God for wisdom without fear of being ridiculed or made to feel that I should already know the answer. I can expect wisdom to be present along the many paths of my life’s journey, attempting to direct me in the right way. I do not intend to have wisdom mocking me because of knowingly making wrong choices.

Perhaps you have made some wrong choices, ignoring wise counsel, and forging your own path. If you find yourself in that place right now take the time to repent, make a commitment to seek rather than run for wisdom, and allow God to ascend to the proper place in your life. He has a great plan for your life. Let His wisdom direct you to the path that leads to your destiny. Remember, someone is calling you… Her name is wisdom… Will you answer?

Prayer: “Father, I thank you for wisdom. I commit to listen and take heed. I choose to live in peace and safety, and unafraid of harm. Amen”

The Enlightened Path Weekly Nugget
Week of July 19, 2009

Someone Is Calling You… Will You Answer?
by Audrea Winbush Lott

Please feel free to copy or forward this to anyone you feel might benefit from a dose of the Word!

©2009 Audrea Winbush Lott

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