Sunday, August 2, 2009

No Compromise

by Audrea Winbush Lott

Proverbs 4:18-19

18 But the path of the [uncompromisingly] just and righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more and more (brighter and clearer) until [it reaches its full strength and glory in] the perfect day [to be prepared]. [2 Sam 23:4; Matt 5:14; Phil 2:15.]

19 The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know over what they stumble. [John 12:35.] AMP

Proverbs 4:18-19

18 But the good man walks along in the ever-brightening light of God's favor; the dawn gives way to morning splendor, 19 while the evil man gropes and stumbles in the dark. TLB

The Word of God is full of promises that assure us that if we are obedient and adhere to His Word, we will be led, guided, protected, and blessed. One of the key factors involved in realizing those blessings lies in whether or not we are truly on track or whether we are trying to dibble and dabble, slip and slide, or tiptoe in and out of full obedience and partial obedience. It is important that we do not compromise. Sometimes there is a temptation to reason, rationalize, or justify why stepping a little to the right or left of the path is warranted. Do not allow yourself to be fooled.

Remember what happened to Saul (1 Samuel 15). He did not fully obey. He thought it would be okay to take a little of the spoil rather than let it go to waste, to spare the leader of the people he was sent to destroy, though the instructions from the Lord specifically told him do not spare anyone and do not bring back any of the spoil from the battle. His partial obedience added up to disobedience. He then put himself in a position where he lied about what actually happened. We must realize that God already knows; lying to those He’s placed in authority or even lying to ourselves attempting to justify our actions is pointless. It cost Saul dearly. From that we learned that indeed, obedience is far greater than sacrifice. Saul thought he could make a sacrifice to God and negate the disobedience. Sometimes people think their service, their monetary offerings, their acts of kindness, their church attendance, etc., will offset what they knowingly indulged in that was contrary to what they know is right, or what they willingly ignored that would have kept them in the path of obedience. Do not find yourself counted among those who have been deceived.

Commit this day to an even greater level of determination to walk in obedience, seeking God’s will for your life. Why should we do anything less than that knowing the consequences of trying to do things our way and the rewards of doing what pleases our Father? Remember, God has an awesome plan for your life. It can easily elude you if you get off track and begin stumbling over the things that you were not even supposed to experience. Do not let compromise be found in you. Keep yourself in the position to walk in the light of the Father. There is an awesome plan for your life and you will walk in the path free from compromise.

Prayer: “Father, I thank commit to being faithful to walk in the path you have laid out for me. I refuse to compromise. I choose to trust you. Amen”

The Enlightened Path Weekly NuggetWeek of August 2, 2009
No Compromiseby Audrea Winbush Lott

Please feel free to copy or forward this to anyone you feel might benefit from a dose of the Word!

©2009 Audrea Winbush Lott

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